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Terms and Conditions

SMFL MIRAI Partners Co., Ltd. (“the Company”) operates the Used Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Website (“the Website”). These are our terms and conditions for use of the Website (“the Terms and Conditions”).

Chapter One General Provisions

Article 1 (Terms of Use)
The Terms and Conditions apply to all use of the Website provided by the Company.
(Hereinafter, users of the Website are referred to as "users.")
1.Users are deemed to agree to be bound by these terms and conditions while accessing the Website.
2.The Company may change these terms and conditions from time to time at its sole discretion and reserve the right to do without users'consent.

Chapter Two Members

Article 2 (Members)
Users with qualification for members of the Website may see detailed information about equipment featured in the Website and inquire through the Website.
Article 3 (Registration)
Persons who wish to access the registration areas of the Website are required to submit to the membership examination prescribed by the Company.
Upon Company's examination and approval, users are entitled to membership. (Hereinafter persons entitled membership are referred to as "members".)
Article 4 (Termination of Registration)
Members may terminate membership in accordance with Company's instruction.
Article 5 (ID and Password Management)
Members are required to enter the ID and password when accessing to the registration areas of the Website. (Hereinafter the ID and password are referred to collectively as "ID, etc.")
1.Members are responsible for the maintaining of their ID, etc.
2.Members'ID, etc are personal to members and may not be used by anyone else and may not be lent, sold, transferred or otherwise disposed.
3.Members are required to change their passwords on a regular basis.
Article 6 (Changing Member Information)
When the registered information, such as members'trade name, address or e-mail address, is changed, members are required to update that information in their account
Article 7 (Cancellation of Registration)
If, for any reason, the Company believes that a member has not complied with these terms and conditions, the Company may, at its sole discretion, cancel member's access to the registration areas of the Website immediately and without prior notice.

Chapter Three the Company’s Management Responsibilities

Article 8 (Temporary suspension of the Service)
Due to unavoidable circumstances, any or all services on the Website may be temporarily suspended without notice.
Article 9 (Termination of the Service)
The Company may, upon notice to users, terminate the service of the Website.
Article 10 (Disclaimer)
1.The Company does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage caused as a result of the temporally or permanent suspension of the Website.
2.The Company disclaims any warranty of the completeness, accuracy, applicability or usefulness of any or all of the information on the Website.
3.The Company does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage caused by unauthorized use of the ID, etc. by third parties, whatever reasons and intensions the member has.
4.The Company does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the member's negligence of updating the member's password.
Article 11 (Disputes with Third Parties)
The Company does not accept any responsibility for any dispute arising from civil litigation or assertion of rights by any third party alleging infringement of their copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, trademarks, design rights or other rights with respect to registered information.

Chapter Four Exclusion of Antisocial Forces

Article 12 (Exclusion of Antisocial Forces)
1.Upon on registration described in Article 3, neither a user nor any of his/her officers is any of the categories of: an organized crime group ("Boryokudan/暴力団"), a member of a Boryokudan ("Boryokudan-in/暴力団員"), a person for whom five years have not yet passed since he/she ceased to be a member of a Boryokudan, an associate of a Boryokudan ("Boryokudan jyunkoseiin/暴力団準構成員"), a corporation affiliated with a Boryokudan ("Boryokudan kankei kigyo/暴力団関係企業"), a corporate racketeer ("Soukaiya/総会屋") or a corporate swindler acting in the name of a social movement ("Shakai undou nado hyoubou goro/社会運動等標ぼうゴロ"), an organized crime group that utilizes specialized knowledge ("Tokusyu chinou boryoku syudan/特殊知能暴力集団等"), or a person or organization equivalent to any of the above (hereinafter collectively referred to as "a member of a Boryokudan, etc."); or falls under any of the following categories, at present and assures the same into the future:
(1) An entity that has a recognized relationship with a member of a Boryokudan, etc. in which a member of a Boryokudan, etc., has control over its management;
(2) An entity that has a recognized relationship with a member of a Boryokudan, etc. in which a member of a Boryokudan, etc., is substantially involved in its management;
(3) An entity or person that has a recognized relationship with a member of a Boryokudan, etc. in which the entity or the person wrongfully uses a member of a Boryokudan, etc. for such purposes as unfairly benefiting itself, its own organization or a third party, or causing damage to a third party;
(4) An entity or person that has a recognized relationship with a member of a Boryokudan, etc. in which the entity or the person provides funds or other benefits to a member of a Boryokudan, etc.; or
(5) An entity of which an officer or any person who is substantially involved in its management has a socially condemnable relationship with a member of a Boryokudan, etc.
2.A user hereby pledges not to perform any of the following acts by itself or any of his/her officers or by using any third party:
(1) Act of making demands in a violent manner;
(2) Act of making unreasonable demands beyond the legal responsibility of the demanded party;
(3) Acts of using threatening language or behavior or using violence in relation to a transaction;
(4) Acts of discrediting the other party or disrupting the other party's operations by spreading rumors, using a fraudulent means or using force; or
(5) Any other acts similar to any of the above.
3.In the event that a user or any of his/her officers either fall under a member of a Boryokudan, etc. or any of the categories mentioned in Article 1 or perform any of the acts mentioned in Article 2, or it is found that there has been any breach of the representations or pledges in Article 1, the Company may, by giving a notice to the user, cancel the membership.
4.Even in the case that the user suffers any damage upon membership cancellation prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the user shall not claim damages or any other compensation against the Company. In the event that Company suffers any damage, the user shall be fully liable for such damage.
5.In the event that it is found that there has been any breach of Article 1 or Article 2, a user shall promptly notify the Company.

Chapter Five Privacy

Article 13 (Privacy)
The Company will specify the purpose of use the personal information of users. Except as otherwise provided by law, the Company will use the personal information only for the purposes for which it was originally collected. The purposes of which the Company uses personal information can be found on the Company's website (

Chapter Six Other

Article 14 (Compliance)
When using the Website, users are deemed to agree with all related laws, government ordinances, ministerial ordinances, rules, regulations and directives.
Article 15 (Governing Law)
The force, execution and interpretation of the Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Japan.
Article 16 (Court of Competent Jurisdiction)
Users agree that exclusive jurisdiction for any claim or dispute with the Terms and Conditions resides in Tokyo District Court, Japan.

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